We arrived in Whistler, with a reservation to stay at a pet-freindly hotel for two nights so we could get caught up on laundry and be near the pedestrian village. Our room wasn't ready when we arrived, so we took the kyper to explore the area a bit. While we were out, the kyper broke down in about the worst intersection possible. But in the Canadian style we are getting used to, the first guy to drive by had a truck and gave us a wild tow to a nearby parking lot. Another couple on bikes were there to pitch in as well, just to make sure we didn't need more help. It seems like the Canadians are just there waiting to help you out. Also, the Travco is getting lots of attention here.....so maybe they just want to see it up close! We get a "thumbs up" from just about everybody on the road. Anyway, Scott figured out it was a clogged fuel filter (it was brand new), so he was able to get one from a nearby place and modify it to fit the kyper. It was a very warm day...so it wasn't much fun, but thankfully McGyver did it again and we were only delayed a couple very sweaty hours. We were hot and tired, so we spent the night in our "suite" and did lots of laundry.

The next day was one of our best on the trip! We got passes to spend the day on the mountain including, the lifts, gondola and the new Peak 2 Peak gondola from Whistler to Blackcomb Mountain. The first gondola up took hikers, sightseers and crazy mountain bikers up the mountain for miles. We were able to see the locations and construction going on for the various events for the Olympics. The mountain is set up with the most amazing tracks, jumps, etc. The hiking trails are fabulous too. We hiked to a chair lift that took us to the very top....we were on top of the world! Jake loved making summer snowballs. Then for lunch, we had a great experience too. The restaurant on the mountain does wine tastings and did flights of the wines from BC. We decided it was time to take the plunge and give these wines a chance. We were very impressed. In fact, we were so impressed, we rerouted our trip to include the Okanagan Valley. We already felt like we had gotten our moneys worth, yet we hadn't done the main event...the Peak 2 Peak gondola. It is the highest and longest of it's kind in the world. It was a breathtaking ride across the mountains complete with a bear siting. Then on the chairlift down, we had our best wildlife experience yet....a momma and tiny baby bear directly under us hanging out. Scott and Jake got to see them for a long time while I fumbled with the camera, trying to get a good video (messed up) and in my excitement didn't even get a decent photo! We went to the Farmer's Market in town and then went to the Brewhouse for dinner and walked through the village. Clover loves the dog-friendly places! She is getting a lot of extra attention here as well. We are stopped constantly to talk about her. Everybody loves her! She is such a great dog.

The "Red" Flight..along with lunch of local organic sandwiches and cheeses...not your average ski mountain cafeteria.

The alpine terrain at the top reminded us of the "Tormented Valley"....it must get really cold!
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