We spent our last full day in the Newberg area visiting Maysara and Brickhouse (biodynamic) vineyards with the Harts. We had a great campfire our last evening together and polished off a yummy Sauternes (and then some more Abuelo). I also would like to put on record that I won the Cribbage tournament with Mary. It was good-bye to the Hart family on Thursday morning and they headed back to California as we headed to the coast and up to the Astoria
The Spruce Goose is huge!!!!
area at the northwestern point of Oregon at the head of the Columbia River. On the way, we stopped at the Evergreen Air Museum, home of the Spruce Goose,among many other amazing airplane displays and a new space museum as well. It was new territory for us north of Tillamook. Jake was excited to participate in the Junior Ranger program. He began earning his badge by attending a program about the various wild animals that live in Fort Stevens State Park (bears, cougars, etc.). We didn't see any of them, but we did enjoy eating the berries along the trails just like the bears do! Fort Stevens is a huge, beautiful park that is a historic military site. The reservation gaurded the mouth of the Columbia River from the Civil War through WWII. After a long stop at a local laundromat, we explored an abandoned gun battery and went out to the beach to see the rusting shipwreck of the Peter Iredale. Dinner consisted of leftovers on the raclette....this is getting alot of use this trip! We're discovering that just about anything tastes good grilled in bacon fat!